Pavel embarked on his trading journey 18 years ago, accumulating extensive experience in forex, commodities, and stocks. Over the past eight years, he has honed his expertise in stocks and cryptocurrencies, leveraging algorithmic trading techniques to excel in these markets. His primary strength is in managing diverse portfolios composed of uncorrelated strategies.
Simultaneously, Pavel spent six years in traditional finance, where he specialized in risk management. He assisted some of the biggest companies in the country with exchange rate hedging through the use of forwards and options, further developing his expertise in mitigating financial risks.
Currently, Pavel is the CEO and Co-Founder of Robuxio, a pioneering company in algorithmic crypto trading, where he is committed to realizing his vision of creating the premier crypto trading service for both institutional and retail clients.
With Robuxio, we bring professional approaches to crypto trading that have been proven successful in traditional assets over decades of use.
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